Feel Pain in your Big Toe? It could be Hallux Limitus. Hallux WHAT??

Feel Pain in your Big Toe? It could be Hallux Limitus. Hallux WHAT??

Hallux Limitis is a progressive arthritic condition that typically affects your big toe joint.  The joint is located at the base of where your foot and toes meet.  This condition limits the motion and function of your big toe. You may notice pain when you are walking or when you move your big toe joint.  Pain can be mild or can be deep and sharp.

Other symptoms include stiffness in the big toe, development of bone growths, pain and stiffness in cold weather, difficulty bending big toe up and down, and a noticeable change in the way you walk.  Over time, the condition can worsen or you could lose all motion in the big toe joint—a condition called Hallus Rigidus.  So it’s good to see a healthcare professional as soon as you start experiencing these signs.

How do you handle Hallux Limitus?  For mild cases, your doctor can provide shoe modifications, custom orthotics or prefabricated inserts, physical therapy, and oral anti-inflammatory medications.  Also, to help reduce symptoms, Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (PRICE) is recommended.  In addition to the above, moderate cases of Hallux Limitis include corticosteroid injections. More severe cases may require surgery.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Hallus Limitus, or think you may have this condition, contact your podiatrist or primary care physician!